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Ready to Open an ACASA Senior Care Franchise in Your Community?

After you submit your information, you will receive an email with a link to the free ACASA Senior Care franchise information report. This document will provide details about our brand, as well as the requirements for franchising with us.

Shortly after submitting your information, here are the steps we’ll take to determine if you’re the right fit to join the ACASA Senior Care, franchise family.

  • A team member from ACASA Senior Care will contact you and set up a convenient time for a phone interview.
  • Our team members will discuss elements of franchising that include markets of interest, working capital, your background and interest in helping seniors, timing for your business, and address any questions you may have.
  • Finally, we will schedule a subsequent phone interview for the next steps.

During the follow-up phone interview, we will discuss:

  • Your franchise application
  • Discuss your experience and skillset
  • Your desired service territories
  • After the initial interviews with ACASA Senior Care, we will share our feedback regarding your potential status as a franchise owner, we review the FDD and inquire about how you plan to finance the business.
  • You also will have the opportunity to share your thoughts with us.
  • Once approved to be a new franchise owner, we will discuss the terms of your agreement and work with you to build your territory.
  • You will sign the franchise agreement and return it, along with the franchise fee.
  • Congratulations! You are now a member of the ACASA Senior Care experience!
  • You will receive a personal welcome call directly from our President/CEO.
  • A team member will go over the pre-training checklist items with you.
  • ACASA Senior Care will schedule a training/kickoff call with you and review your advanced prep work.
  • We will make continuous “check-in” calls.
  • You will complete the New Owner training course led by our operations team. This will be a week-long, in-class training session at our headquarters in Sacramento, California.
  • While you’re here, we will go over every aspect of your business, including how to hire caregivers, how to win clients, how to build referral sources and effectively market in your community, and so much more!

What’s Next?

From the time you sign a franchise agreement with ACASA Senior Care, we estimate that your location can be open in three to nine months. To get started, please download our Franchise Information Report, which includes detailed information about the ACASA Senior Care franchise opportunity. The report includes our detailed Franchise Disclosure Document Item 7, outlining startup costs and terms, as well as a detailed look into our training platform, business model, executive team, and more! We’ll email you a report and follow up with a short conversation to answer any questions. Thank you in advance for your interest in owning an ACASA Senior Care franchise. We are looking forward to hearing from you and are excited that you’re interested in owning a business that makes a true, lasting difference by investing in an ACASA Senior Care franchise.

For Franchise Information Call 866-386-9369 or Download Report
  • Request Franchise Information

    Want to learn more about opening your own franchise?
    Fill out this form to get started:

Start Growing Your In-Home Senior Care Franchise